Witley Surgery

Milford Crossroads Surgery

Teenage Wellbeing

Be Your Best Teens is a free online service for 13-16 year olds who live or attend school in Surrey and are above the healthy weight
range for their age.
We can help them make positive changes to their wellbeing through interactive sessions that they attend virtually.
There is no obligation, other than to attend six online sessions with teens who may need extra support.

Teenagers will learn about:
• Cooking, with an online workshop
• What to eat to feel good & teen nutrition
• Being active & how it boosts mood
• Body image: how social media can distort reality
• Alcohol & hydration – what to know
• Managing screen time
• How sleep can help to achieve goals

BeYourBest – Wellbeing for Teens









Date published: 23rd October, 2022
Date last updated: 23rd October, 2022