Online services

There is now the facility for patients to book appointments with a doctor and order repeat prescriptions via this website. This is protected by the highest security and cannot be accessed by others providing you keep your registration details secure.

To be able to access this facility you will need to have an individual access and ID code. Please contact Reception, who will be able to issue you with this. All new patients registering with us will automatically receive a logon and password.

Patient Access

By using Patient Access you can:

    • Order your repeat prescriptions
    • Change your contact details
    • View your medical record

Our preferred online access route for those who are not yet registered with a provider is via the NHS App which can be downloaded on tablet or smartphone via your usual App store, or accessed by visiting

If you would like to register for the NHS App please click here to go to the NHS app page for further information

The advantage of this option is that you can validate your identity yourself at home without needing to bring documents into the surgery. The App will then link you to our surgery automatically.

If you already have online access with one of the other providers (e.g. Patient Access, Evergreen) then there is no need to switch to the NHS App unless you prefer to, as they all provide similar features.

If you do not currently have access to online services for medical records/medication details, and do not wish to (or cannot) register for this at home yourself using the NHS App, please use use our Register for Online Services form.

Date published: 17th February, 2017
Date last updated: 28th June, 2021